Tuesday 18 July 2023

Looking after our WELLBEING over the Summer holidays -1

Free meals for kids during school holidays

The council is ensuring that regular meals are available for all children and young people within the borough during school holidays. Food is served at multiple locations across the borough, and there's no age limit for children, meaning that nutritious meals are readily available and families continue to receive support outside of school term time.

Meals are available throughout the Summer holidays, starting from Monday 24 July. There are no forms, and no fuss - just turn up and tuck in! 


MORE COST OF LIVING SUPPORT FROM GREENWICH -https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200244/benefits_and_financial_help/2361/greenwich_supports

Live well as a family.


Lots of suggestions for positive things to do over the Summer Holidays and also links to sources of support.

The mental health and wellbeing support can be found in the Youth Services sections.