Wednesday 28 February 2018

Message from Website Provider

Message from CleverBox: Wednesday 28 February: Website Server Status

As you may be aware, we experienced a serious capacity issue with a number of our web servers, resulting in downtime for some of our schools. 

This issue was caused by the sheer volume of parents accessing your website at the same time. This spike in traffic led to an unprecedented demand on the server, and caused some sites to fail. We had already increased the server capacity to three times the size, in order to cope with the upcoming demand this morning. Unfortunately, despite this, a number of our sites still experienced downtime. 

In response to this failure, my team have been working with our hosting provider throughout the day to further increase the server capacity. Hopefully this will help to alleviate the problem moving forward. Unfortunately this update can take up to 48hrs to implement.

Although we appreciate that the school site is not the only method of communication with parents, we do understand the fundamental role it plays, especially in the inclement weather conditions.