Wednesday 10 February 2021

Lemon Class (Year 1) - A Selection of Home Learning


Lemon Tree Class Home Learning

Here is a snapshot of what Lemon Class in Year 1 has been learning from home over the last few weeks.

Mrs Sammarco would like to say a big thank you to all the children (and family helpers) for joining in and sending in such brilliant work.

Here are two children expressing themselves in different ways.

Below are examples of DT projects by two children in Lemon Class.

In Humanities RE & History Bevan and Ava have shown how they can make comparisons.

In Maths we have practised reading clocks as well as solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and even division. This work is by Aaliyah and Collins and Milana.

Here are some examples of stories written over a week. Children had great ideas for story writing.

Here are two children enjoying their PE sessions at home.