Friday 10 July 2020

Group 1A School Fun

Class 1A - This Week's School Learning

It's been another busy week in Group 1A, where we have create poems in English using our senses, creating posters in History and carried out another experiment in science. Have a look at our photos below.

We created acrostic poems by thinking about things that remind us of Summer. 

In History we looked at how the 2012 Olympic games changed Stratford. We then designed posters which are meant to persuade people that it would be a great idea to hold them in London again. 

This week we did some close observational drawings of flowers. Firstly, we sketched an outline before adding colour. Take a look at our pictures below. 

This week we made predictions about what we thought would happen if we put flowers in coloured water. When we return to school next week we check to see if our predictions were correct. 

This week we have been practising our horizontal and diagonal joins in handwriting. 

To write these poems we used out senses to help describe the things we see, hear, smell, touch and taste. 

Do not forget to send us photos of what you have been up to at home. 

Stay safe and have fun, 
From Mrs Lizzimore