Tuesday 7 July 2020

Year 2 Online Learning - Weekly Update

Hello Year 2, 

It is time for a Mathletics and Reading Eggs update! 

Here are the results for the last two weeks from each Year 2 class. 

Acer - 23hrs 2mins 
Cedar - 18hrs 53mins 
Beech - 14hrs 21mins 
Sycamore - 8hrs 57mins 

A special well done to Manraj, Ian, Alvin, Emmanuel B, Jasmeet and William for earning medals! 

Keep up the great work everyone! 

Can anyone else try and earn the gold certificate this week? 

Reading Eggs 
Remember you can use Reading Eggs to search for your favourite types of books! 

Reading is a great way to relax as you delve into a good book! 

Acer – 48.6 hours 
Cedar - 45.7 hours 
Beech – 26 hours 
Sycamore – 23.5 hours 

A special mention to the following children who made a real effort with reading independently this week: Aadora, Sean B, Samuel S and Ian! 

Well done to Acer Class who have tipped the top spot for Mathletics AND Reading Eggs scores this week! 

Let's make sure we get everyone logging in to increase these numbers! Activities will be set on Mathletics and Reading Eggs as per usual by your class teacher, so make sure to log in and rack up those minutes to help your class win next week! 

Keep in touch by sending your messages and work to workingtogether@bannockburn.greenwich.sch.uk 

Stay safe, keep smiling and take care of yourselves, 
Miss Bethell and the Year 2 Team