Sunday, 28 February 2021

Year 1 Bubble - in the Forest School

Year One took advantage of the good weather to explore the Forest School for the first signs of Spring.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Year 4 Roman Home Learning

Aray in Ash Class (Year 4) has really enjoyed his Roman home learning this week. 

Look at some of the great work he has produced.

Postcard to Mummy and Daddy


Riyad in Cherry Class (Reception) has written a postcard to him mum and dad. It looks like he has been on holiday to Spain and it was very hot!

Coin Rubbings & Passports!

Nicolas in Cherry Class (Reception) has been busy this week learning about coins and also getting his passport ready for when he goes overseas for his next beach holiday!

Learning about Money in Cherry Class 9Reception)

 This boy in Cherry Class (Reception) has been learning about money using coins this week. 


Thursday, 25 February 2021

Preparing for the return to school

With all children returning to school on Monday 8th, there is just over a week to prepare.

Practical preparations

Most people have fallen out of routine during lockdown. Work with your child to plan how to put this back in place.

  • Sleep- ensuring they are getting their 10 hours of sleep every night, by returning to a set time for going to bed and getting up.
  • Eating- Most people have been snacking like crazy. To fit to their school day routine, start having regular eating times again. Breakfast, one mid-morning snack, lunch, a snack at the time they usually finish school, dinner. Try and make the snacks as healthy as you can.
  • Hygiene- Regular washing, including teeth brushing, should not have been affected by lockdown, but many children will try to avoid it if they can. Getting this back into the routine and ensuring they have a shower/ bath on the evening of Sunday 7th/ morning of Monday 8th, so they are fresh and clean for back to school. 
  • Exercise- At school the children have time in the playground, PE lessons and they also walk up and down many stairs. To get their fitness up, do something physical everyday. This could be going for a walk, playing a game in the garden/ park, playing games or joining in videos such as Just Dance or following an exercise video by someone, such as Joe Wicks.

Make sure your child's school uniform (including PE kit) fits, is washed and ironed. Do their school shoes and PE trainers still fit?

Emotional preparations
Video for parent/ carers to watch(5 mins) "Helping Children Prepare for School After Lockdown"

Children might have different feelings about returning to school. Some might be anxious for a range of reasons, while others may be excited.

Some children may be feeling anxious about catching up on school work or worried that they’ve fallen behind during the pandemic.  NSPCC advice

Start talking 

Your child might have worries about the virus, restrictions in place or their education and school. You can explore these and help them to think of ways to manage them using our Time for Us pack or the resources on the Family Links website.   

Coping strategies

You use when feeling stressed such as speaking with friends or family, doing regular exercise or using breathing techniques. If you feel comfortable, you could share your own worries and feelings about the current situation and ways you are managing these feelings.  

Make yourself available as much as possible

Children may want to come and “debrief” but maybe not when you expect. Create space for talking in different ways, such as going on a walk together or baking together – there may be less pressure in these circumstances than when sitting face-to-face.  

Look at the positives 

It might be helpful to talk with your child about the things they have enjoyed during the pandemic and what they may be looking forward to, like their favourite shop reopening, seeing friends in the park or getting ice cream from their favourite café.

The following websites have more tips and advice-

World Book Day Letter



It’s that time of year again where we come together and celebrate everything there is to love about books, reading, stories and imagination. This year, although times are different, we would still love you to get involved both at home and online.

Please see below a list of activities that you can enjoy at home with your children during the week, as well as details of activities that children can take part in on the day, Thursday 4th March.

Activities you can do at home to celebrate World Book Day: Monday 1st March –Friday 5th March

1.      Act out your favourite story with your family members. 

2.      Design a new book cover for your favourite book.

3.      Host a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and bring a book along.

4.      Create a soundtrack to a reading. This can be a short story of performance poem.  Add sound effects or music to create mood.

5.      Listen to an audio book and let your imagination run away with you. The platform Audible ( is currently letting you read and listen for free!

6.      Make your own bookmark inspired by a poem or non-fiction text that you love.

7.      Swap a book with someone in your home. What do they think of the book you chose for them?

8.     Take part in a Readathon with your family. Add up how long each person reads for during the week.

9.     Write your own book review. These would be fab to share on the blog and you may even inspire someone to read your book!

10.  Try writing some fan-fiction. Fan-fiction is writing by fans of a book that use some of the original characters, settings or storylines. For example, you could write your own story about Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Or you could imagine what would happen if characters from different books met each other - do you think Percy Jackson and Matilda would like each other? What adventures could they have?

11. February 27th was 'Share a Million Stories Day' and, to celebrate this, we would love you to read stories to either your siblings or adults during World Book Week . Take a photo of you sharing your story and post it in your Google Classroom or please send via by Friday 5th March. Your photo will be added to the blog!

12. Cook, bake or make something that has inspired from a book. Perhaps you could make Peter Rabbit Salad, Fat Cat’s Pizza Quesadilla, The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe Turkish delight or Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Find many more tasty ideas using the link below.

13.  Visit the link below to find free audio books, author and illustrator video master classes, story craft ideas and many more.

World Book Day online activities: Thursday 4th March

  1. Dress up as you favourite book character or simply turn up in your cosiest pyjamas. The choice is yours.
  2. Look out for activities and events that your teacher has planned on your Google Classroom stream.

As always, each child will receive a £1 book token which they can use to buy many of the £1 books on offer this World Book Day. Children will receive their token during their first week back at school commencing Monday 8th March.

Postcard to Daddy

 Maisie in Cherry Class (Reception) has written a postcard to her Daddy.

Postcard to Nan

Kai in Cherry Class (Reception) has written a postcard to his nan.

I love the 1st Class stamp!

Postcard to Auntie in Pakistan


Abdullah in Cherry Class (Reception) has written a postcard to his auntie who lives in Pakistan.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Cherry Class (Reception) - Learning about Money

This pupil in Cherry Class (Reception) has been learning all about money this week as part of his home learning.

Year 1 Lemon Class - Home Learning over Half Term

Well done to Alisa in Lemon Class who turned her story, that she had written last term, into a movie over the half term break.

She began by introducing the characters in her story.

Next, she set up a toy shop as described in her story.

She thought really carefully about what the character was feeling and saying.

Alisa also included some of the advice she shared in PHSCE lessons: Go to a trusted adult when you need help.

Thankfully there was a happy ending to the story.

Other children in Lemon that kept busy over the break

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Future Cooks (8-11yrs old)

Are you a Greenwich family looking for something fun, interactive and educational to do with your kids after school? If so, read on!

First session- Monday, 1 March 2021.   4:30pm – 6:00pm

About this Event

Kids, have you always wanted to learn to make delicious dishes like tasty cakes, scrumptious burgers or mouth watering pizzas?

Parents and carers, are you looking for something fun, interactive and educational to do with your kids after school?

Well, if you live in Greenwich, then Future Cooks is for you.

What is it? Future Cooks is an online weekly drop-in session every Monday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm.

There will be 5 sessions, come for all or just one, sign up and the zoom link and link for for recipes will be sent automatically, each week.

Click here

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Merit Certificate Winners from the Nursery/Reception Bubble in School


Watch out for the herd of woolly mammoths!

In school this half term, Year 3 and 4 have been learning about two topics - the Stone Age and Recycling. 

Today we combined these two topics and created a woolly mammoth by recycling one of our milk bottles from home!

It was quite tricky covering the milk bottle to make our woolly mammoth have fur but we all persevered. 

Miss Bethell has challenged the rest of Year 4 to make one at home over half term but maybe you can too! 

Send in a photo to  

Year 6 Poetry

Our Year 6 students have written some fantastically creative poems this week, inspired by a range of poems they've read in online classes. 
We hope you enjoy reading some of their work!

Black (inspired by Wendy Cope) by Bolu

I am a black person.
I am very well respected.
Am I black?
I am a well very respected person.
Am I a respected person?
I am very well black.
I am a respected person.
I am very well black.
Black respected!
I am, I am very person
Person I am, I am respected.
Very black.
Am black?
I-I am very respected person.
Black I am.
I am very respected person.
Person I am.
Very black. Am I respected?

Holiday by Safal

I don’t want to forget when I finally met my cousin
We went mosquito hunting; I felt happy.
I don’t remember the warmth of my great-great grandma though she will always be in my heart
or the sound of goats from my grandpas’ farm
or the taste of a mango ice lolly
or the feeling of swimming in a pool
or the waterfalls with rushed rapidly
I don’t want to remember the sound of a sword swishing through a goat
or the puddle of blood
or the head that I showed to the baby goats. 

I don't remember by Na'Tori

I don’t remember opening my eyes for the first time
or the first time my mum held me
or how I looked when I was younger
or how I felt when I finally got out of the hospital
but these are all memories no one would remember.
I don’t remember my first time meeting my best friend
or seeing my mum cry for the first time
or even losing my brother ( I wasn’t even alive then).
 If I did remember them they would be valuable but I guess everything happens for a reason
Sometimes it even comes with mistakes.

Born by Jasmine

I don't remember when I was born
I don't remember how it felt when I first felt connection with my mother
I don't remember when I almost died and survived
I don't remember last seeing my best friend before I left her
I don't remember what I did 9 years ago
I don't remember last seeing my worst nightmare.

My poem for love by Upasana

Love is a bird 
It has wings 
It has warmth 
Of course, it has feathers 
All love birds have wings, warmth and feathers 
The warm feel of love gets you boiling
The wings make us fly to find love 
Feathers of love makes us feel safe that we are loved 
Love is a bird that makes us fly high
If we love and we can be warm and have wings 
A bird is full of love 
And love is a bird with wings 
Warmth and 
Love is a bird

Love by Mitchell
She smells like roses in a field on a summer day.
Love tastes like honey trickling down my throat. 
She sounds like the beach, so tranquil
She feels so warm like a winter night  by the fireplace.
Love lives deep inside my heart.

Love is like a fox by Tahiru
Love is like a fox. At first sight, you think they are amazing, special, unique and beautiful so you start to do helpful things like feeding them to show how much you admire  and appreciate them.

Next thing you know, they bite your hand and never come back as if they were using you the whole time. They may look like angels but their souls are demons. 

Love is a fox. They may have amazing traits but soon their love-sucking fangs will come in and scar you for life. They may come to your house everyday but that doesn’t mean they are thankful.  Never take anything for granted foolish fox. That’s why you should always be careful who you trust: next thing you know they're going to different houses.

Fear by Zain
Fear is a spider
Fear never leaves you alone
Fear makes a shiver down your spine
Fear will take over from the inside out
Fear has its perks.
It predicts you; it will learn you.
Fear has its legs climbing and taking over.
Fear is an annoying insect (parasite) which will be the one to make you move.

Love by Neriah
Love is something you can play with,
Love is something you can play with,
You can roll it around and break it apart,
Love is solid,
It is a very competitive game,
Love is a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air,
It is a piece of ground adjoining a house,
Love is a small coloured rubber bag
which is inflated with air and then sealed,
Love can carry passengers,
It is a small hole in a needle
through which the thread is passed,
But the most important thing is that love is love.

Anger by William
Anger is a thermometer.
It can go up or down.
Although it goes up,
it will eventually go down.
Anger is loud at most times
but it becomes Joy, and then,
Joy turns into peace and 
peace is who you want to be.

Sadness by Dylan
Sadness is like water
Wet, cold and blue
Sadness is deep, dark and blue

I remember by Mei-Li
I remember going to the park in the warm summer air with my friends and playing with the swings.
I remember having a little nibble of mac and cheese and then feeling funny, later, I vomited inside the swimming pool after school.
I remember when I was little, I was wearing a gorgeous white dress for a wonderful wedding.
I remember my first day of school finding my friends and exploring my classroom.
I remember when my little brother was born and I was full of joy because that meant I was not alone anymore with just my parents.

I remember by Amaniah
I remember the feeling of joy and happiness the night before my 8th birthday
I remember the icy air of the night kissing my skin frequently
I remember the taste of sugary sweets on my tongue and enjoying the smiles of my smaller siblings
I remember the sound of chatter of people and rustle of items, pushing themselves out of the tiny plastic bags
I remember my thoughts just as I went to bed: yummy sweets!