Sunday 30 January 2022

Millie the Guide Dog sponsored by Ochre House

Ochre House have just received their first Pupdate about their latest Guide Dog sponsor. She is called Millie, she is a Black Labrador puppy and she is VERY cute.

Millie's Page

Here is the page where you can follow her journey to becoming a qualified Guide Dog and see photos of her growing up.

If you have any suggestions of how we, as a house team, can raise even more money for good causes  and local charities then let us know. 

French Dictionary Detectives in Year 5

This week Year 5 have been using the set of bilingual French dictionaries to look up new language from English and also to translate infinitive verbs from French into English. As part of their free time and hobbies topic this term, Year 5 have been learning all about infinitive verbs and how they work in French. Now that we know some French examples, we can use them with opinion phrases to help share our likes and dislikes for hobbies and free time activities.

Here are some photos of Hawthorn Class exploring the dictionaries this week.

Reading for gist in French in Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring lengthier and more complex texts this week as part of our efforts to 'read for gist' - this means we try to use what we know and can deduce from vocabulary in a text to understand the general themes or meaning behind a text. This week's text related to Camille who told us all about her morning routine. All the verb structures were new to us but we used our thinking skills and pair work to help us piece together the details of her morning and work out what our new verbs meant.

Year 3 - Spanish sentence building fun

In our Year 3 Spanish lessons we have been learning how to build simple sentences to list items we can find in our classroom. Here are some children from Hazel and Chestnut working in a group to build physical sentences using their mini whiteboards.

Facing challenge in Year 3

On Friday in our Personal Development (PD) lesson, we began by learning about the value of teamwork.

We did this through creating our own puzzles. Each of us had a piece and we had to find the other three people whose pieces make up the rest of our puzzle. The aim of this challenge was for us to better understand how we work in a team, the strengths each of us bring and the need for different roles.

Our next goal was to design a garden for people who face a particular challenge. We gave examples, such as the visually impared, wheelchair users, people who may have spent time in hospital and need a calm space and the elderly. We split into teams and gave ourselves different roles. We had landscapers, a team leader and an events co-ordinator who would plan the event for the garden's opening. This project will last over several week but here are some pictures of us in action from the start of the project.

Friday 28 January 2022

INDIGO House Guide Dog

Did you know that each house team sponsors a guide dog?

Indigo is pleased to introduce you to Bonnie! Keep up to date with her progress by visiting her puppy page here.

Personal Development (PD) in Year 1

In Personal Development (PD) today we revisited previous learning on 'goals'. We discussed that a goal is something you want to achieve, whether it be big or small and how it can be personal to you. To achieve our goals we need to work hard and there are some stepping stones we need to follow to achieve them. Today our goal was to we make some stretchy flowers. To make the stretchy flowers we needed to follow a variety of instructions including drawing, cutting and threading. 

Reflecting on a Buddhist story in Year 3

In Year 3 this half term we have been learning all about Buddhist beliefs and teachings. After previously learning the story of how the Buddha came to be, we learnt a story about younger Prince Siddharta called 'Siddharta and the Wounded Swan'. This story teaches Buddhists about the importance of caring for animals and showing kindness towards all living beings. We considered which of our school values Siddharta displayed in the story and agreed that he showed kindness, thoughtfulness, respect and determination.

Thursday 27 January 2022

Year 1 - Material World

In Year 1, children have been learning about objects, the materials they are made from and their properties. They have been exploring materials in the classroom, testing which objects are magnetic and learning new vocabulary like opaque and absorbent. Here are some photos of children thinking about which category their word goes into.

Achievement Assembly at Manor Way

Congratulations to all the children who were recognised last Friday for there positive choices at school. 

Always Club - Manor Way

Last Friday eight children from Yera 4 were invited to go to Always Club with Mrs Parsons. Children are chosen based upon them consistently choosing to show our school values both in class and around school.