Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Year 4 - Portal stories

 Year 4 - Portal stories

This term, Year 4 pupils have been developing their writing skills, using dialogue and adverbials of manner to create their own story about a character who travels through a portal.

We started by reading the book 'Leon and the place between' which is about a boy who believes in magic and is somehow taken into a different world.

To start us thinking about the topic, we created and presented our own magic card tricks.

Third grammatical person in Spanish

Children in Year 4 have been learning the third grammatical person in Spanish. The questions and answers in the language changes slightly from the first to the third person, and the children have shown great listening skills to recognise one from the other. They did a reading and a listening task using whiteboards.

Creativity in Action in Nursery

 This week in Nursery, we have been learning about the days of the week, inspired by the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We discovered that there are seven days in a week by singing a catchy song from Singing Walrus. For our Literacy activities, we ordered the story using pictures from the book, which we glued down independently according to the days. 

At our creative table, we engaged in fruit printing, using different fruits to paint over cut-out stencils. It was fun to see how the paint left behind a silhouette when we removed the stencil. Our favourite print was the pineapple! 


Monday, 10 March 2025

Fractions in Year 4

The children in Year 4 have done a brilliant job with their new maths topic - FRACTIONS!

So far, we have recapped our fractions learning from Year 3 and have used practical resources to help us identify equivalent fractions and order fractions with the same and different denominators. This week, we will be counting in fractions and decimals over 1.

If you would like to support your child with their learning, please look through the following online resources:

ITP Fractions - Mathsframe

Fraction Strips | Free Virtual Manipulatives | Toy Theater

Fraction Circles | Free Virtual Manipulatives | Toy Theater

Fraction Fling • ABCya!

Please also encourage your child to work through their Fractions activities set on Mathletics.

World Book Day in Nursery

In Nursery children participated by dressing up in outfits inspired by their favourite words or books. We engaged in shared reading of our favourite stories, including "The Tiger Who Came to Tea" and our class book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We also enjoyed various activities based on these books, such as cutting and sticking letters and sampling fruits mentioned in the stories.

Watch out there is a SpiderMan in Nursery 

There is a Colour Monster in Nursery 

Created a butterfly inspired from the 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' book 

Minibeast Music in Year 2!

Year 2 started their Music lessons this half term by listening to pieces of music about minibeasts. The children then had to move their body like a minibeast and perform a dance lasting 4 beats. Take a look at some of our photos where we were dragonflies, bumblebees and woodlice. 

Talk For Writing - The Very Hungry Caterpillar Nursery

This week in Nursery, we embarked on an exciting journey with our very first talk for writing lesson, inspired by the delightful book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. As a class, we collaboratively crafted our own unique story to boost our confidence in reading and writing skills.

To kick off our adventure, we created a colourful story map, outlining the sequence of events in our tale. Each child contributed ideas, and we worked together to visualise the caterpillar's journey through vibrant fruit illustrations. Once our story map was complete, we took it a step further by adding lively actions that corresponded with each part of the story.

The highlight of our lesson was when we acted out the roles of the hungry caterpillar and pretended to munch on a variety of delicious fruits, from juicy strawberries to plump plums. The laughter and joy in the classroom were contagious as we immersed ourselves in the caterpillar's world, helping to solidify our understanding of storytelling in a fun and engaging way.

Reception - World Book Day

The children in Pear enjoyed taking part in lots of activities linked to some of our favourite stories on World Book Day. 

We made Gingerbread Men linked to our current focus text 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been learning to retell the instructions. 

Look at the Gruffalos we made using playdough. They have purple prickles all over their back and a poisonous wart at the end of their nose. 

We painted 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. 

We tessellated shapes to create our own Elmer the elephant.

We had a tea party with the Tiger from 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea.'