Thursday, 20 July 2017

Bastille Day celebrations at Manor Way

To celebrate Bastille Day, on Friday 14th July the children at Manor Way took part in a day of fun-filled cross-curricular French activities.

The day started with le petit dejeuner (un jus d'orange et un croissant) and continued with a quiz au sujet de la France. We even had Madame Ansell present the Friday Achievement Assembly in fluent français, to allow us the chance to listen to authentic French speaking. 

Then over the course of the day classes took part in variety of workshops with their professeurs, such as Mime, Découpage, Eiffel Tower building and Perfume sampling. Classes also went outside to play games such as Pétanque, Ballon Château and Jeux de Beret. 

At lunchtime, we had the chance to order our dinner such as quiche and petits pois in French and the special invitees to the Bannockburn Bistro had a very special serveuse to wait on them. Each year group also learnt a chanson too during a special French Singing assembly.

"I loved French Day - it was so fun doing all the different activities, especially Miming" - Year 5 pupil.

"The breakfast was delicious and I enjoyed trying to speak French with the ladies in the dining hall" - Year 4 pupil.

"French Day was brilliant - I loved seeing the children so engaged in their learning and using their language skills." - Teacher