Friday 15 January 2021

Name the Dine Competition

To all the children at Bannockburn,

We have a new school friend joining us today, but we need your help to welcome him and help to get to know him better!

We know that he is 8 years old and loves to ride his bike and read comics at home, especially comics about Superheroes. He also likes to help cook at home and his chocolate mud cake is delicious!

Sadly, he doesn’t yet have a name so we need your help to give him one. What do you think our new friend could be called?

Also, can you see that his wings are plain? He doesn’t know which colour to choose so he needs your help in picking the one. Which colour do you think his wings should be?
Send in your ideas to​and we can share the results on Friday 15th January.

What could his name be?
Which colour do you think his wings could be?