Sunday 30 June 2024

Teddy Bear's Picnic in Nursery

Nursery enjoyed a teddy bear's picnic! We put on our teddy bear hats and decorated the outside area with bunting that we had made. We ate our yummy iced biscuits along with fruiand sat together to enjoy the picnic.


AM or PM? (Olive Class)

This week, Year 3 have been continuing to develop their skills at telling the time. Yesterday, in Olive Class we looked at what our daily activities are at school and at what time during the day they take place. 

We focused on identifying how to tell the time accurately when using an analogue clock and a digital clock. We also talked about how important AM and PM is so that we know if something is happening in the morning or the afternoon. 

It was really fun to use the colourful, analogue, wind-up clocks to practise using different times. 

Rowan go for gold...

During this summer term, Year 5 have been focusing on developing their athletic skills at the hurdles. 

We took inspiration from the upcoming Olympic games and watched the techniques deployed by successful athletes to clear the apparatus with straight backs and high knees. 

It was fun to practice our fastest sprint with the added element of hurdles in preparation for our Sports Day next week! 

Creating characters in Damson Tree

This week, Year One have been writing character descriptions based on the story Elmer the Patchwork Elephant. We thought about how our characters looked, where they would live, what they liked to eat and what was unique about them. Today we drew our characters, we have patchwork monkeys, crocodiles, flamingos, tigers, parrots and snakes! 

Printing in Damson Tree

This half term in Art, Year One are learning how to print. We started by drawing our designs onto paper before carefully copying these onto Styrofoam. Today we had a fabulous time printing in a range of colours.