This week we wrote about Baby Bear's next adventure: a trip to the seaside. We thought carefully about his unfortunate meeting with an evil octopus who snatched him, as well as the two doggy heroes who saved the day! I wonder where Baby Bear will go to next?
Friday, 21 October 2016
Reception - Orange Tree Class - Whatever Next! The return of Baby Bear!
In Orange Tree we have been looking at the book, Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy; a tale which sees the young Baby Bear travel to the Moon with his friend Owl.
Year 2 - Terrific Tudor day in Beech Class!
Beech Class has been learning about the Tudors this first half-term. To celebrate, we took part in a Tudor Day and had fun enjoying a range of activities, such as writing with a quill and ink, making our own shields and competing in our very own jousting tournament.
Thank you to all the children who dressed up! You looked fantastic!
Year 2 - Sycamore's Tudor Day!
'Tudor Thursday!'
This Thursday Sycamore Class and the Year 2 children got to take part in a Tudor Wow Day to end our first topic!
The children got to take part in a variety of Tudor tasks, such as shield making, writing with quill and ink and then finished off the day with a Jousting tournament.
It was a brave showdown between 'The Lionhearts' Vs 'The Dragonhearts'!
High St Achievement Assembly
A huge congratulations to all the children who were recognised in today's Achievement Assembly at High St!
Year 2 - Acer Class Tudor Fun!
On Thursday 20th October, Acer Class celebrated our current topic by taking part in Tudor Day! We took part in a range of Tudor inspired activities such as dancing, jousting using 'light sabers' and space hoppers, medieval writing with ink and feathers, making our own shields and creating Tudor pots with clay. All while wearing our brilliant Tudor costumes!
Tudor dancing
Tudor jousting
We had an amazing time!
Comments overheard by the children included, "Today is the best day ever!" and "I hope we do Tudor day again!"
Parents have commented on how much their children have enjoyed learning about the Tudors and so many families have been to places of interest at the weekend to learn even more!
We are looking forward to planning our next topic...
Year 5/6 Spanish Club updates
So pleased to see so many new and keen faces at Spanish Club this year - it is fantastic!
Here is the information on the song (la canción) we sang in Spanish club this week:
Bajo el mismo sol - Alavaro Soler ft Jennifer Lopez
Here a some challenges you can do as you listen:
1, Count up in Spanish how many times you hear the following words:
Can you remember what each word means in English?
2, Research more about flamenco clapping and learn a different rhythm to clap.
3, Learn the song's chorus off by heart to sing in Spanish (the chorus starts with 'Yo quiero este')
So pleased to see so many new and keen faces at Spanish Club this year - it is fantastic!
Here is the information on the song (la canción) we sang in Spanish club this week:
Bajo el mismo sol - Alavaro Soler ft Jennifer Lopez
Here a some challenges you can do as you listen:
1, Count up in Spanish how many times you hear the following words:
Can you remember what each word means in English?
2, Research more about flamenco clapping and learn a different rhythm to clap.
3, Learn the song's chorus off by heart to sing in Spanish (the chorus starts with 'Yo quiero este')
Year 4 Poplar Class - Electric Circuits
Poplar Tree had a busy afternoon investigating series and parallel circuits. Max had made a series circuit for homework so we used it as part of our investigation. Well done Max!
Year 2 Cedar Class - Tudor Day
Year 2 have been
learning about the Tudors this half term. To celebrate our learning we held a Tudor
Day. Cedar Class came to school dressed
up as Tudors and took part in activities such as, jousting, dancing and creating
our own Tudor Roses.
Quote from pupil: “This
was the best day ever!”
We have really
enjoyed our topic this half term and have celebrated and shared our learning!
Even our teachers
got dressed up!
Year 2 - Tudor Dancing
Year 2 were able to take part in Tudor Dancing during our Tudor Day! Have a look at some of our moves!
Nursery - Conker Tree Class
This week in Conker Class (Nursery) we have been learning all about 2D shapes and shapes in our environment. The children went on a shape hunt looking for common 'flat' shapes in the outdoor area. The link below shows a popular YouTube video which the children benefited from greatly.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Sycamore Waterproof Investigation!
This week Sycamore class have been busy scientists, investigating which material is the most waterproof!
Our topic this half term has focused on the Tudors and over the last few weeks we have planned and now conducted an investigation into which material would be most suitable to use on a Tudor roof!
We tested PAPER, BRICK, PLASTIC and STRAW on a model Lego house and poured water over each material! We then peaked inside the house to see if any water had leaked through!
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Woodland Animals
Nursery - Acorn Class
In Acorn Class we have been learning about woodland animals linked to our topic book 'Owl Babies'. We have drawn and painted pictures of different woodland animals, including owls, squirrels, hedgehogs, deer, rabbits, foxes and many more.
We have enjoyed making Mother Owl using playdough and feathers.
Orange Tree Investigates.
Reception - Orange Tree Class
This week in Orange Tree we have been looking at things to do with shapes. We put on our detective hats and coats and searched for circles, triangles, squares and rectangles, looking closely at the number of sides and corners that each shape has. Afterwards, we used the shapes that we found to build Baby Bear's house, thinking carefully about what each shape could represent!
Year 2 Cedar Class
Cedar Class has been researching about the Tudors. This week we have been focused on Henry VIII's children. We have used different sources to explore and find more information on Mary I, Elizabeth I and Edward VI. We have enjoyed being able to use Computing to help us research about these individuals. We learnt that if we are using the internet we have to be specific about what we want to find out, which means we have to look for the exact person we want to find out about, otherwise the iPads and laptops don't know what we are looking for!
Friday, 14 October 2016
Year 3 - Fossil Fun
Year 3 are thoroughly enjoying their learning linked to their Dinosaurs topic this half term.
We have been researching in Literacy finding out interesting facts about dinosaurs and last week we discovered how fossils are made in Science. We have even found out where fossils have been found across the seven continents in the world.
Don't forget that next week, on Wednesday 19th October, we are visiting the Natural History Museum to further extend our learning!
We are looking forward to searching for the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning's fossils in the museum. Pop in to our classrooms to see our new displays all about her.
Find out more here...
Sunday, 9 October 2016
In their newly appointed roles as House Captains and Deputies, the children went to visit Deptford Reach on Friday afternoon to donate the huge amount of food donations brought into school from the recent Harvest Festival Assemblies. The children were taken in the school mini-bus with Mr Smales and Mrs Parsons.
Deptford Reach ( is a charity which supports homeless people and those with mental health issues, in Deptford. We met the co-ordinator, called Dee, who gave the children a tour of the facilities and talked about the many different ways in which the charity supports local people in Deptford.
By offering all the generous food donations to a local charity exemplified so many of our school values, such as Kindness, Empathy and Thoughtfulness.
Year 5 took part in a National Maritime Museum Music Project based around the life and times of Samuel Pepys. The children visited the Museum to gather information on significant events of Samuel Pepys' life through research of the exhibition. They then took this knowledge into a song writing session with poets and professional musicians to create a song about an area of interest. The musicians then visited the school to help the Year 5 produce music and singing styles to accompany the song. Finally, we got the chance to perform the songs to an audience in the National Maritime Museum. It was a wonderful week. All adults that accompanied the children were very impressed.
Welcome to Year 6's first ever blog!
To develop our writing skills, Year 6 have been using a new process to help us embed key grammatical skills to improve our writing. Excitingly, we are using visual, audial and kinaesthetic techniques to match our personal learning styles. So far, we have honed our skills in persuasive writing, diary entries and we are currently working on non-chronological reports.
Our focus has been on developing our use of embedded clauses, modal verbs and subordinate clauses. We are so proud of the progress we are making and we have really enjoyed the opportunity to explore a new learning style.
Dinosaur Fact Files!

Visit this website to find out more fun facts about dinosaurs in preparation for our visit to The Natural History Museum.
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