We imagined we were boarding a rocket into space and learnt all about what it would be like on board the International Space Station.
We learnt that on board the ISS there is a limited supply of water. Because of this, astronauts have to purify their urine and drink it! We tested it out by creating dirty water and using a special filter to purify it. This was great fun!
We also learnt about reduced gravity. Using a hair dryer to stimulate reduced gravity, we had to direct a ball into a goal whilst it was hovering in the air! You could try this at home too!
Finally, we learnt all about the importance of correct clothing. We learnt that the glass in an astronaut’s helmet is not actually clear! The brightness of the sun means that the glass in the helmet needs to block out the sun’s rays whilst allowing the astronaut to see clearly.
After our workshop, we explored the museum and found many interesting objects from space! We found the space pod from the Apollo missions!