Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Arts Weeks starts 18th May!

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to invite all families to take part in our annual Arts Weeks, which starts on Monday 18th May and lasts for two weeks (not including the half term holiday).

Due to the current circumstances, we have decided to hold Arts Weeks in a very different way this year. We are hoping to create an online gallery to celebrate the arts with our children and families while they at home.

The theme for this year is, of course, ‘Colours of the Rainbow’.

On the school website from Monday 18th May, every year group will have home-learning tasks which provide activities centred on the Arts (Art, Drama, Music and Literacy). We would like you to photograph or record your child’s efforts in their creative tasks and send these in to the Working Together email. We will then collate their work into an online gallery on the school’s website, so that it can be shared with the local community.

Each year group has been allocated a colour of the rainbow which the home learning tasks will focus on. Please see the table below to find out which year group has which colour.

The whole Rainbow
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

We are mindful that there may not be a wealth of art materials stocked handily at home, so the teachers have thought creatively about what can be achieved with items you may already have. We would love to see all families taking part in a colour task in whatever way is accessible to you!

The email address to send your photographs to is:

We are very much looking forward to seeing your family’s amazing art work!

Best wishes,
The Arts Team at Bannockburn