Wednesday 13 May 2020

Keeping POSITIVE with the Year 2 Teachers!

Hello Year 2!

We hope you are continuing to stay safe and are well.

All of the Year 2 teachers have been working hard preparing and checking your home learning tasks but we have also taken part in some activities to keep us feeling positive and happy.

We thought we would share some of the things we have been doing over the lockdown period and perhaps you can share with us too.

Remember your own mental health and well-being is important too!

Miss Haigh has been exercising at home and enjoying playing boxing using her virtual headset. She has also been following online cooking lessons and baking amazing cakes!

Miss Hoadley has created this AMAZING paint by numbers art piece. WOW!

Mr Voke has been playing his Ukuele every day and practising on his drum kit. I am sure he will play you a song when we are back in school.

Miss Lawrence celebrated her birthday! Have any of you had your birthday? How did you celebrate? She also shared a story about kindness for her teacher friends at university.

I have been keeping busy by running regular online Zumba classes for the teachers at school. I have been looking after my cat Shadow, having regular cat snuggles and letting him play on his lead in the garden!

I also found this old photograph from when I was in Year 2 – a long time ago now! I think I was going on a school trip to the zoo!

We think about you every day and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Stay safe!

x Miss Bethell, Miss Hoadley, Miss Haigh and Mr Voke x