Monday 11 May 2020

Some home learning from Year 4

Hello to all of Year 4,

We have loved seeing the things you have been up to at home. It is fantastic to see all the effort going into your writing, maths, reading, science, art and much much more. Please do keep sending in your photos as we love seeing what you're all up to.

Below are some examples of the work we have been sent from some children in Year 4.

They have been busy baking, braiding and being creative! Here are some of the photos they sent in:

Neelisha attempted all the levels of challenge on the reading and grammar tasks set by the teachers:

Neelisha has also written what happiness means to her:

Despite not being able to take the times tables test, Priteana is keeping up her knowledge and speed by completing quick fire test. These are great scores Priteana!

Priteana has also been learning her spellings of the 'tion', 'sion' and 'ssion' sounds.

Take care and keep safe. We hope to see you all very soon!

The Year 4 Team