Monday 11 May 2020

Weekly Update - Year 2 - Celebrating You!

It is time for our weekly update Year 2....drum rolls please!

Have you been using your online learning this week?

Here are the totals for last week:

1st place: 
Beech 21 hours and 8 minutes
2nd place: Acer 18 hours and 24 minutes
3rd place: Sycamore 5 hours and 1 minute
4th place: Cedar 4 hours and 20 minutes

A special mention to Oyinkinsola, Emmanuel A, Sara and Maizah for their time and effort completing Mathletics tasks this week.

Reading Eggs
1st place: 
Cedar 16.4 hours
2nd place: Sycamore 12.6 hours
3rd place: Acer 8.2 hours
4th place: Beech 3.9 hours

A special mention to Lucas, Chaimaka and Sean B for their regular reading online.

Mr Voke would particularly like to see more of Beech class reading online too!

Remember your Reading Eggs and Mathletics log ins and passwords should be the same, so contact the school if you cannot access them.

Thank you to those children who have sent in completed home learning tasks. We are so proud of you continuing your learning at home each day.
Try to work on the tasks in learning work pack 3 if you can.

We have two exciting weeks of home learning coming along soon linked to Arts Weeks. Look out for more information on the school blog and on our year group website page soon!

Email your work to: