Monday 11 May 2020

Year 5 Home Learning

Hello Year 5,

Thank you so much for those of you sending in your learning at home. It is fantastic to see all the effort going into your writing, maths, reading, science, PE and much much more. Please do keep sending photos in, we really enjoy seeing them.

Below are some examples of the work we have been sent from Dylan, Wais and Eden.

Have a read of this engaging piece of writing from Dylan in Rowan, who completed the weekly writing task of describing somewhere he would like to visit when lockdown finishes. Can you spot the fronted adverbials he has used?

As the bright sun rises up over the horizon, people flock to the beach. The squawking seagulls take flight in the skies as down below people set up their beach tents for the day. As the colossal waves crash on to the shore, children run around collecting shells.

As soon as an ice cream van pulls up everyone runs to it as fast as lightning and they wait in line with the soft sand between their toes. Then, taking their delicious, cold ice cream back to their beach tents, they start to build immense sand castles while decorating them with beautiful sea shells.

Throughout the day the beach becomes dotted with huge holes, some that are as deep as wells. People burying each other in the holes that took all day to dig out. Others eating lunch with the wicked seagulls stealing their sandwiches so that the people have to go to the nearby restaurant to get something to eat. As the sun goes back down people start to pack up and drive home and soon the beach becomes quiet again.
Wais has completed some detailed art work:

Some brilliant, positive art and delicious baking by Eden:

Keep safe and take care,

The Year 5 Team