Saturday 27 June 2020

Logging onto Linguascope - online language learning is FREE for you!


Just a reminder about how (as well as checking for weekly French tasks on the blog using the Label search!) you can be using Linguascope at home to keep up with some weekly French learning, or use any extra time you might have to learn a new language by playing Linguascope games!

Due to internet safety reasons, we are not allowed to publish login details here, but if you have forgotten them you can email and a reminder for the login details can be sent!

Here are all the languages available for you to learn at Beginner level - can you work out the languages from the flags?

Remember you can use the online website like we do in school or if you have a device that uses apps you can download the Beginner app for free and login as usual - iPads tend to work better using the app than the website, according to feedback from pupils!

Also for any Year 6 children, it is an ideal way to get ahead and to learn some of the basics before you learn a might learn a new language at your secondary school!