Friday, 17 June 2022

Arts Weeks in Year 3 Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class. our focus for Arts Weeks was the subject of Religious Education. Our learning was themed around Islamic Art and mosques. Firstly, we created our own symmetrical tiles on squared paper, using mirrors to help us ensure they were the same on both sides. We then used these designs to help us create a tile from modelling clay, which we painted in bright colours.

Throughout the week we looked at famous mosques around the world and carried out research about their architecture and interiors. Then, using this information, we wrote fact files that we decorated with our own drawings of mosques. 

We created different artwork themed around mosques using a range of media, including using straws to make a 3D collage, using cellophane to create a stain glass effect and using water colours to paint a colourful sky behind a silhouette. 

In our PE lessons, we continued to explore the themes of symmetry and repeated patterns. We discussed different ways to create symmetry using our body, ensuring our arms and legs looked the same. We made individual symmetrical shapes, then worked with a partner to mirror each other. After this, we formed small groups to make shapes on the floor which resembled patterns we had seen in Islamic artwork. 

After looking at a range of Islamic artwork seen inside mosques, we linked our learning to well-known artwork that contains geometric shapes and repetition. In particular, we discussed some colourful pieces of art by Bridget Riley, who often uses symmetry and tessellations in her work.