Hello Year 2!
hope you are all safe and well at home. We have been regularly checking who has
been logging in to Mathletics and Reading Eggs at home.
is time to announce the winners for the month of April!
1st place: Beech 48 hours and 12 minutes
1st place: Beech 48 hours and 12 minutes
place: Sycamore 21 hours and 50 minutes
3rd place: Acer 13
hours and 39 minutes
4th place: Cedar 6 hours and 56 minutes
Reading Eggs
1st place: Cedar 79 hours
Reading Eggs
1st place: Cedar 79 hours
place: Sycamore 66 hours
3rd place: Acer 34 hours
4th place: Beech 4 hours
A special mention to Lucus, Kayla, Gurveer and Emmanuel B for their time spent reading online.
will be checking Mathletics and Reading Eggs to let you know the weekly winners from now on.
We are really pleased that some of you are accessing your online learning but would love to see more of you taking advantage of these resources. Did you know that, on Reading Eggspress, there is a library full of books that you can choose from?
We are really pleased that some of you are accessing your online learning but would love to see more of you taking advantage of these resources. Did you know that, on Reading Eggspress, there is a library full of books that you can choose from?
We are posting weekly work on the school website for you to complete so please check the website every Friday for any updates. You can complete the work on paper, on a Word Document or print the resources and take a photo of your work.
A special thank you to the following Year 2 children who have begun to send in the work they have been doing at home: Chiamaka, William, Millie-Rose and Aaila.
up the good work!
great to see what you are up to at home so please continue to send your
learning into workingtogether@bannockburn.greenwich.sch.uk
The work you
send in really puts a smile on our faces. You never know your work could be
posted on the school blog for everyone to see!
We look
forward to hearing from you all soon.
Keep smiling!
Miss Bethell,
Miss Haigh, Mr Voke and Miss Hoadley