Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Languages in Year 1 Lime Class

In Year 1 Lime Class have been celebrating European Day of Languages this week. We started by listening to a song that we all know, however this song was sung in many different languages including French, Spanish, Chinese, Hungarian, German and English. 

We discussed the different languages that children  hear at home. The children loved sharing their ideas with each other.  Here is what some of the children said, 

"My mummy speaks French at home." Monique 

"My family speak Bulgarian." Erica 

"My mummy is from Ghana." Genesis

"I speak Punjabi with my mummy at home." Sumayyah 

"I can speak Nepali...Namaste means hello." Bianca 

Lime Class practised counting to 10 in Spanish and French. Ms Braida taught us some key words in Italian including 'house', 'hello', 'goodbye', 'cat' and 'dog'. 

We then got creative and made a poster to celebrate European Day of Languages. We are very proud of our creations. 

Bannockburn celebrates European Day of Languages 2020

This day is celebrated on 26th September every year in countries across Europe. 

The objectives of the day are: to encourage people to think about the importance of learning languages; to encourage lifelong learning of languages for everyone; and to promote European languages.

At Bannockburn we celebrate all languages, not just European ones!

We always display our multilingual classroom signs outside our doors.

This year you can enter the official EdoL T-shirt design competition - ask your class teacher for a form to enter!


Year 5 - Writing Dialogue

Ahead of writing narratives next week, Year 5 have been practising their skills in writing direct speech. Firstly, we used drama techniques to develop formal and informal speech. Next, we identified how to include the correct speech punctuation and develop interesting reporting clauses. We're now feeling ready to write dialogue which moves our stories forward!

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Achievement Assemblies at HS & MW sites

 A huge congratulations to all the children across both High Street and Manor Way sites who were celebrated for their choices and achievements this week in our weekly Achievement Assemblies.

Well done goes to Indigo House this week for getting the highest number of house points.

Nursery children start their big adventure...

This week the children in Acorn and Conker embarked on their journey with us in Nursery. For many, it has been their first opportunity to explore away from their parents and a large number of the children did really well when it came to saying goodbye to their loved ones. 

Take a look below at some of the activities that our children have participated in. 


Friday, 25 September 2020

Walk to School Week 2020: Monday 5th October

 At Bannockburn our Junior Travel Ambassadors Team proudly encourage everyone to use an active travel means to get to and from school, for the various physical and mental health benefits, plus the environmental and road safety advantages that having less cars around our school vicinity brings. 

That is why we recognise Walk To School Week 2020, which begins on Monday 5th October 2020. As part of the week, children will have a class assembly and spend time discussing why walking, scooting or cycling to and from school is a great thing to do - if you can park and ride (which means parking or getting off the bus at least a 10-minute walk from school premises) then you will also be showing a commitment to active travel, so well done!

There is also a poster competition you can enter before Walk to School Week starts on Monday 5th October, the link is here:

Year 5 - Where does our food go?

Today in Maple Class, we continued our learning into teeth and digestion. 

We focused on where our food goes once it leaves our mouth. 

We learnt about the different processes involved in digestion and then conducted a very hands-on experiment to recreate the human digestive system. 

First, we crumbled up some dry Weetabix into a bowl - this represented our teeth chomping on our food. 

Secondly, we added water to the crumbled Weetabix in place of our saliva. This helped to break down the food, allowing it to pass down our oesophogus and into our stomach.

Next, we spooned our Weetabix mixture into a pop sock and added vinegar, pretending this was our gastric juices. Did you know, the acid in our stomach actually cleans the food to ensure bacteria is not passed around the body?


Then, we discussed the next stage in the human digestive system - the small intestine. Here, vitamins and minerals are absorbed into our blood. 

After the small intestine, the food passes through into the large intestine. Here, water and salt are removed leaving only waste product. In order to show this, we squeezed all of the liquid out of the weetabix mixture. It was VERY messy!

Finally, we made a small incision in the bottom of the pop sock and pushed the mixture out into a tray. This was the waste product passing to the rectum and being excreted from our body.


Why don’t you try this experiment at home to help you understand the human digestive system? As you can see from our faces, we had great fun! 

Wonder Writers in Year 1 Lime Class

This week, the children in Lime Class have been thinking of different adjectives to describe stormy weather. At the beginning of the week we listened to a video of a storm and as a class created a mind map of different adjectives. Here are some of the adjectives that we thought of:

"Scary"- Sumayyah 

"Fierce"- Theo

"Cold"- Jessie

"Terrifying"- Anishvar

"Worrying"- Jude 

"Dark"- Monique

"Loud"- Abigail 

"Powerful"- Ashley

"Wet"- Rania 

Once we had created our mind map, we then thought about how we could use these adjectives in a sentence. We have been thinking about sentences this week and are making sure that we use capital letters at the beginning of our sentences and full stops at the end. We have been practising on our whiteboards and are very proud of our writing. 

Which adjectives would you use to describe a storm?