Friday, 18 September 2020

Message from Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys


Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys - Secondary School Applications

Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,


Due to these unprecedented times, we are unable to hold our usual Open days and Evenings.


We will, however, be holding a Virtual Open Evening on Thursday September 24th and Thursday 1st October between 5pm and 7pm and this will include an opportunity to hear from key members of staff, including the Headteacher, Heads of Department and the Transition Co-ordinator. In addition, we will be showing a virtual tour of the school by Year 11 pupils.


We will also have a live question and answer session, which will give prospective parents the opportunity to ask all those burning questions that they need to address in preparation for their secondary school choices.


We would very much like your parents to be aware that this is taking place and to be able to take part. Please can you remind them of this and encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity.


Kind regards


Woolwich Polytechnic School