We are launching a termly school newspaper for the children and families of Bannockburn and we want you to name it!
Send your ideas for
the name of our School Newspaper to:
schoolnewspaper@bannockburn.greenwich.sch.uk before Fri
2nd November and see if your idea is chosen by the Editorial Team.
We will also be looking for contributions to the newspaper.
The following sections will feature in every issue and so we will
constantly be looking for the following items:
Fun stuff - Jokes, Tongue Twisters, Trivia
questions, Fun facts,
Riddles & Puzzles (logic, mazes, problems,
Sudoku, word searches)
Photos of artwork & examples of writing e.g.
poetry or short stories
Language phrases (with pronunciation support)
Articles on activities/ events you have taken part
in recently around school (e.g. trips, assemblies, sports competitions,
There will also be a ‘themed’ photography competition. This issue’s
theme is POLLUTION. Your photo can interpret the theme in any way, but if it
contains a photo of a person, you must have permission from the person in the
photo to take it and send it to us. The best photos will appear in the next
Alternatively, if handwritten/made, you can place them in the School Newspaper
Suggestions Box located in either High Street or Manor Way offices.