The nursery children take part in various activities which concentrate on developing their speaking and
listening skills and awareness of phonemes and blending and segmenting skills.
Phase 1 Phonics is split into different aspects, each week we focus on a different area. This week we explored instrumental sounds.
We made our own shakers.
Below are some suggestions to support your child’s development at home.
Go on a listening walk. You could go around your home or an outside area and practice listening carefully to all the different sounds you hear. Talk about what you heard. Make a collection of your own noise makers. Think about lots of different things that make a sound or gather them together in a box. Use one of the objects to make a sound for others to guess and identify. Play the game ‘I hear with my little ear!’ Take it in turns to imitate the sound of something and guess what makes that sound. You could imitate the sounds of things found around the house, like a clock or a telephone. |
As you listen to a story or rhyme, use some instruments or noise makers to add sound effects to the story. Think about how different instruments could be played to create different effects. Play a listening and copying game using a small set of instruments and noise makers. Play a sound for the other person to copy. Try creating loud and quiet sounds and simple sound patterns. Make your own instruments. |
Listen to some music with your family at home. Clap along to the beat. Use your voice to make sounds like a car, a dog, a train and bubbles under water. Create body percussion such as patting your knees, clapping your hands or clicking your fingers. Get others to copy the sounds you make. |
& Rhyme
Share rhymes and poems as a family. Play a rhyming matching game. Match two cards that rhyme, for example fox and box. Listen carefully to a list of words- tree, bee, pin, and three. Can you find the word in the list doesn’t rhyme with the others? |
on a letter sound hunt. Look around your house and find three things that
begin with the same letter sound. Can you find three things that begin with
the letter ‘t’?
Pretend to make sound silly soup. Each soup needs three ingredients that start with the same letter sound. Can you think of three foods to put in the ‘c’ soup? Zoe the Zoo Keeper wants to name her animals with the same letter sound such as Charlie Chimp and Tommy Tiger. Can you think of anymore? |
Voice Sounds
Sing “Old McDonald had a Farm.” What noises do the animals make? Play an animal themed guessing game. Make some different sound effects for different animal noises and encourage someone to guess what animal sound you were making. Make different voice sounds to show different emotions for example ‘oh!’ when surprised and ‘mmmm’ when eating something delicious. |
Oral Blending and Segmenting
Sounds out words (pin, sat, tap, net). How many letter sounds are in each word? Play a listening and drawing game Take it in turns to sound out a word and another person has to draw the item. Try the words: hat, sun, ten, pan, box. Play a listening game about a visit to the farm. ‘I went to the farm and I saw…’- instead of saying the animal name, split the word up into its 3 letters sounds. The other person has to identify the animal by blending the sounds together. For example, ‘I went to the farm and I saw ‘c-a-t’. Try the words; cat, dog, pig, cow, hen. |