Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 in Year 4


In Maths this year, Year 4 have been focusing on how we can quickly recall multiplication and division facts. We have spent time recapping and learning new times tables, but we have also been looking at speedy strategies to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. We explored how the place value of digits are affected  when this happens and have practiced by moving numbers along a place value chart. After, we played an active maths game where each player represented either multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 or 1,00 and had to quickly give their final answer in the time it takes to catch a bean bag!

Using Division Facts in Year 4


In Maths this half term, Year 4 have been recalling and learning new multiplication and division facts connected to their times tables knowledge. We have spent time identifying factors and products of the 7, 9 and 11 times tables this half term and have practiced them in many contexts. We have also been looking at related division facts and using our knowledge of the distributive law and partitioning to find simple strategies to divide. After developing problem solving strategies, we moved from table to table looking at multiplication facts and writing as many connected division facts as we could in 3 minutes. 

Perimeter in Year 4


In Maths this week, Year 4 have been learning about shapes and their perimeters. We have spent time identifying that the perimeter is the lengths of all the sides of a shape added together and exploring how to measure perimeter.  We have also been comparing shapes that have the same perimeter but a different number of sides. After, we used a set amount of lollipop sticks to create numerous different shapes that all had the same perimeter. 

Year 4 Badminton


In PE this term, Year 4 have been learning to play Badminton. We have spent time identifying and practising using the forehand and backhand grips. We have also been looking at how we can move quickly across the court, so have been practising our chasse steps! After,  we combined all of our skills to play double matches as a class.

Bikeability return to BB! Year 5

 Cycling at Bannockburn with Bikeability

Last week, our Year 5s took part in an excellent opportunity with some cycling coaches where they were given a safe, structured and standardised programme designed to make the children more competent cyclist and prepare them for eventually cycling on road. 

The children took part in Level 1 and 2 of the programme which included bike control on the playground, followed by small group training on quiet, local streets, giving the children a real cycling experience.

''It's nice to see the children being properly trained to ride safely.'' 

- local resident - 

The Museum of Hawthorn

In Year 5, we have been looking at how we celebrate different cultures. 

Each class encouraged children to bring in an item that represents their home culture. These included clothes, food, ornaments, religious artefacts, maps, books and photos. They showed their class and talked about why the item is special to them.

These are just some of the items brought in by the children of Hawthorn.

Year 3 - Cricket Workshop

This term, our Year 3s took part in a cricket workshop with Platform Cricket, a charitable project in London seeking to increase the number of children participating in cricket whilst supporting personal and social development through cricket. The children practised batting, fielding and bowling techniques before competing in a whole class competition. 

The session was held alongside ex England batter Monty Lynch. 

Year 3 - Computing

 In Computing, we used our dance movements to create an algorithm for our sprite (online character). 

We used a programme called Scratch. We were able to create code to move our character across the screen. We also debugged (corrected mistakes) our code if our character was not doing what we intended. We also added sounds and backgrounds to our dance algorithm.

Year 3 DT - Sandal Making - Final Products

After looking at existing products, we planned and designed our own Greek sandals. We used a range of cutting, joining and weaving techniques to create our final products. We also had to generate success criteria for our sandal so we could evaluate our final product against it and see how we could improve it next time. We decided that our sandals had to be comfortable, stay on your feet and protect the sole of your foot. 

We really enjoyed this session as it allowed us to get creative to make our own sandals. 

"I loved making the sandal! It was different to my first design but I changed it to make it better."

"I found this hard, but I asked for help from my friends and teacher and I was able to make my sandal."