Tuesday 12 December 2023

Looking after our mental health during winter

The Young Minds website has lots of tips and advice to help us all through the winter.

A guide for parents and carers: Money and mental health


"Information on the links between money and mental health, how to support your child's wellbeing and look after yourself in the cost-of-living crisis, and where to find practical and financial support for your family."

This includes where to find practical support and further advice.

Tips for coping with seasonal affective disorder


"Although seasonal affective disorder is very common, it’s not something you hear talked about enough. It is similar to depression, except it comes and goes in a seasonal pattern, with the symptoms usually being mainly present during the winter. These symptoms include low mood, a lack of energy, a loss of pleasure in activities you would normally enjoy, and feelings of irritability."

  • Sunlight and walking
  • Stop scrolling in the mornings in bed
  • Journaling
  • Creating a routine and planning my days
  • Therapy/ Talking with someone you can trust

How to help your child if Christmas makes them anxious


"Gifts, gingerbread houses, advent calendars and chocolate. Trips to see Santa, trips to see his ‘elves’, ice skating, movies and more chocolate - the stuff of Christmas that children so often love.

But for some children, the festive period can be a time that makes them anxious."

1. Check in with your child

2. Plan ahead

3. Discuss plans for time with extended family

4. Understand their needs

5. Get out of the house

6. Be aware of what your child picks up on

7. Look after your health (adults)

8. Do what's best for you