Sunday 13 October 2024

Arthropods in Year 6 - Science

This term, Year 6 have been developing their understanding of living things. 

We started the term recapping learning from Year 4 - children remember so much about animals and plants! 

Since the start of the term, children have learnt how to classify a range of animals based on their observable characteristics; they have even learnt how to create a dichotomous key.

In this lesson, children learnt about a range of arthropods and their defining characteristics. They explored arachnids, insects, myriapods and crustaceans. To do this, children used magnifying glasses to get up close and personal with a variety of arthropods (don't worry: they were encased in resin!). 

After observing the creatures characteristics (head, thorax, abdomen, jointed legs etc), children created a dichotomous key by asking yes / no questions to help them classify each type of arthropod.