Sunday, 20 October 2024

Year 6 Circuits - PE

This autumn term, Year 6 have been learning about the fundamentals and benefits of exercise, through the use of circuit training.

The children first learnt how to exercise safely, by practising and fine tuning aerobic movements to ensure their form was correct and that the intensity of the movement was adequate. Linden's favourite movement was skater jumps!

The next step was to complete a series of aerobic movements in a circuit; ensuring that our major muscle groups like our quadriceps, biceps and our abdominal muscles were targeted. Due to learning the essentials to exercising safely before the circuit training, Year 6 were able to identify when they had reached their limit. By drinking water, choosing a low intensity exercise and listening to our bodies, we were able to complete several rounds of the circuit - ending with pumping blood, racing hearts and gleeful smiles.

The children ended the term by creating their own circuits for their peers to complete; amalgamating their knowledge of exercise for a final round. Year 6 have become true experts at this and it was great to see them enjoy each session! Well done for your hard work.