Friday 29 April 2022

Cherry Class meet the Evil Pea!

This week Cherry Class in Reception met the 'Evil Pea' from our new Talk for Writing Text 'Supertato'.

On Tuesday we heard a voice recording from 'Evil Pea' telling us he had taken some vegetables as his prisoners and the only way he would release them is if we thought of some questions to ask him. So after hearing this Cherry Class worked hard together to think of some questions to ask the Evil Pea but he escaped before we could ask him.

So after school, Miss Brownless searched high and low and she finally found him hiding under her chair. So, she tied him up and on Wednesday Cherry Tree had the opportunity to ask him the questions.

On Thursday and Friday we started making our own papier- mache 'Evil Peas'. 

Here are some photos of the children asking the 'Evil Pea' questions and making their own 'Evil Peas'.