Thursday 26 May 2022

Year 3 - Maths Experience Week

This week, Year 3 were busy planning and redesigning the new nursery playground. We started the week by speaking with Mr Clark in order to better understand our task and find out what the nursery playground was currently like. We prepared questions to ask him about the budget, preferred materials, the size of the playground and what the nursery children enjoy playing with. 

We then had the chance to visit Acorn and Conker classes in Nursery and gather market research. We asked the children to choose their favourite piece of playground equipment. We created tally charts of their responses and then  created bar charts which clearly showed the most popular choices. 

We also needed to measure and calculate the perimeter of the playground using trundle wheels. 

After this, we tested out a range of playground equipment and sketched ideas for age-appropriate versions. We used the iPads to research potential equipment to buy and total the overall cost using the partitioned column method, making sure that we kept in budget!

Finally, we drew our final birds-eye designs onto a grid. We considered the co-ordinates of where each item was placed and made sure we drew the equipment to scale (1cm = 1m). 

We hope that our work this week can help when the nursey playground is redesigned next year!