Monday 20 March 2023

Knife Crime Workshop

In year six, we have done various things but one that most Year 6 children liked was the story of Ben Kinsella. We visited a place where they engaged us in the life, death and interests of Ben Kinsella. This will teach you how to stay safe and never get in trouble with a knife.

Ben Kinsella was a young boy whose death raised lots of public attention to knife crime. The young boy died at aged 16 due to knife crime. He had finished all his GCSEs and wanted to celebrate so him and his friends went to a pub. An argument broke out when they were there but it was resolved. When they left one of them realised they were being followed so they started running. Ben thought he should cross the road because maybe he was in the way. He was not, the people followed him and stabbed him 11 times in 5 seconds. This taught the year 6 that one knife may end the life of one person but can ruin the life of the family and the perpetrators. Also, the year 6 went to different rooms and one was a prison cell when someone was convicted for carrying a knife when she was 15.

Also if you have been injured with a knife (which is 1 in 1000), do NOT take the knife out of your wound. This will cause more injuries. If you are found to have a knife you will go to prison. If you do not help to commit the crime but you encourage someone, this will be called joint enterprise and you will go to prison.