Monday 21 June 2021

RE - learning about Islam in Year 1

In RE this week, we revisited Islam and put together a mind map of all the things we could remember. Here is what some of the children said:

"The Hajj is where Muslims take their pilgrimage to Mecca."- Jude 

"People who follow Islam are called Muslims."- Genesis

"Their holy book is called the Qur'an."- Jessie

"Muslims pray 5 times a day."- Connor 

"Before they go into the mosque, they take off their shoes and wash their feet and hands."- Neriya 

"Nobody is better than Allah."-Suzzy

"They food or drink."- Victoria. 

"The Qur'an can't touch the floor...the floor is dirty." - Erica. 

Once we discussed Islam, we looked at some artefacts. We handled them with care and loved discussing them with our partners. Here are some pictures...