Monday, 3 March 2025

Symmetry in Year 2

Today, Year 2 learnt about symmetry. We used mirrors to identify vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry within shapes and every day objects. We then took part in some problem solving and reasoning activities. 

Bannockburn Fun Run this Sunday 9th March!

Our annual Fun Run to raise money for Cancer Research will be held this coming Sunday 9th March. 

The weather forecast looks good for Sunday. We would love to see you there!

Pine Mini Chef - Friday 7th March


Sunday, 2 March 2025

Sorting Polygons in Year 2

This week, the children in Year 2 have been learning about polygons. In this lesson, the children had to sort regular and irregular polygons and then describe their properties for their partner to guess!

Year 6 - Immersion Day: Dangerous Places - Geography

This week, Year 6 held an Immersion Day that focused on how places around the Earth can be dangerous through the amount of natural disasters it may experience.

The children learned that tectonic plates and their range of movements, can create a variety of different disasters and changes to the natural world: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the formation of mountains being some examples. The children were able to express their movement through an immersive dance lesson; during this lesson the children were able to perform as an erupting volcano and also as if they were in an earthquake. This provided the children an opportunity to act out emotion using the movement of their limbs, musical instruments and facial expressions.


Another highlight of the day was the news reporting lesson. After learning about the different tectonic plate boundaries, Year 6 were tasked to research as case study and provide a news report on it to the rest of the class. Through this lesson, we saw an incredible amount of teamwork come to fruition - from the children helping each other to understand their case studies, to identifying which plate boundary could have been the cause of the disaster, but also carefully considering the impact a natural disaster of such a high magnitude would have on civilians. Some excellent new reporting was done by Year 6, and some awards were given out for the reporting of natural disasters!

After being introduced to tectonic plates and the impact they can have on the natural world, the children put on their seismologist/volcanologist hats to plot out where natural disasters across the world could happen. Through this lesson the children found a pattern that most of these disasters occurred on fault lines and volcanic zones. Posters were made afterwards to warn people about the dangers of natural disasters in these specific areas.

Altogether, Immersion Day was truly a groundbreaking experience for our young geographers! The Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed the day and it has served as a great introduction to the topic this term. 

Wilderness Day in Year 2

To introduce our new topic, the children took part in a wilderness day. The children learnt about how animals adapt to their habitat, took part in a living and non-living things investigation, tested their skills with den building and then took part in astronaut training. 

Word Meanings with Year 2.

In Guided Reading, we have been reading and discussing the text Fox and the Star. This week we have made predictions about the story before looking at some words we are unsure of. We used the dictionaries to find out the meaning of words such as dense, deep, undergrowth and bind.