Monday 10 June 2019

The Rights and Responsibilities Community Partnership Group

The Rights and Responsibilities Community Partnership Group meet up regularly. This week they planted more seeds to help them understand how they can grow their own food.

All children have the right to be adequately fed. Therefore, it makes sense for children to know how they can grow their OWN food. Last month, some children used compost, pots and seeds (tomato or lettuce) to do exactly that. Today, they spoke about how their seeds were growing and brought them in to show us. 

Both Debbie and Kaci Lee did so well remembering to water their seeds that they needed to re-pot them! They both now have three tomato plants each. Just imagine how many tomatoes each plant could produce!

Children in Years 3 and 4 used cress seeds, cotton wool and water to start growing their own food too. They can’t wait to make their own cress sandwiches.