Wednesday, 18 December 2019

DT in Walnut - Egyptian Shadufs!

This half term, our Year 3 DT project was to create an Egyptian Shaduf. We loved working as a team to create a sturdy structure that could act as a leaver system. 

Water was lifted from the Nile using a device called a shaduf. It was a long pole with a wooden bucket hanging from a rope at one end, and a weight on the other end to create a leaver. The pole was supported by a wooden frame or fulcrum. One person working alone could operate a shaduf showing how useful and valuable it was to the Egyptians. So much so that it is still used today.

The shadufs were used within the Ancient Egyptian water irrigation systems. This was a way of collecting water and containing it should the Nile be unable to provide much water. The shaduf was used to carry water from the Nile to the crops.