Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Music in Year 6 #music

Year 6 have been enjoying some fantastic music lessons over the last few weeks. 

They have been practising a pentatonic scale on their xylophone and staying in time with each other playing different melodies. 

In this week’s lesson, we made our own melodies and tried to copy each other’s patterns of notes.

# Year 1 This Week's movers and shakers

 We've been practising our basketball skills.

Comparing numbers (after careful counting)

And moving to the music.


Year 3 keeping warm by the fire!

This week in Humanties, Year 3 learnt about how fire was used during pre-history. We discussed how fire was used for warmth and cooking but also progressed to being used for making weapons. We built our own fires and role played how our fire would have been used.

Year 6 Elm Music!

Year 6 Elm Class have enjoyed some fantastic music sessions over the last few weeks. 

They have been practising a pentatonic scale on the xylophone and staying in time with each other playing different melodies. 

Today, we made our own melodies and tried to copy and repeat each other’s patterns of notes! We are enjoying music!

5 minute French brain-break in Birch - On y va, à la disco!

Today, Birch Class in Year 6 took part in a 5-minute French disco dancing brain-break; not only did it give us a chance to move our bodies and get our energy levels back up, but at the same time we also revised some French vocabulary and it made everyone feel great - dancing is so good for your physical and mental wellbeing!

Year 3's virtual visit to Stonehenge

As part of their homework, Year 3 had the opportunity to use the VR headsets at High Street to see Stonehenge! They described what they could see and knew lots of information about the English Heritage site from their learning within school already. Even some of their grown ups got involved!


Year 1: Animal Music

 Can you make a long sound, like a hissing snake?

Year 1 have been learning a song about animals, and using it to work on their beat finding skills. They have been 'moving like the music' with their musical statues game, and learning about the effects of making music faster and slower.

Today, we put our animal sounds in our song and moved like the animals. Would a long snake hissssssssss be a short sound or a long sound?

Would a small puppy make a high pitched bark, or a low pitched bark?

Would an Elephant make a LOUD sound or a quiet sound?

Here are Lime Class being snakes and elephants!

Sandwich Making with Year 1

Year 1 have enjoyed making sandwiches this week. They have been practising different skills including cutting, spreading and peeling.

They chose to make different sandwiches and were very safe while using the equipment.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Year 6 Elm make some melodies!

Year 6 Elm music lesson!

Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful music lesson in The Lodge today. 

We practised a pentatonic scale, staying in time and making up our own melodies. We even tried to copy each other’s melodies and add in some percussion.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Mr Griffith and Year 4 at lunchtime

 Mr Griffiths enjoying his lunch with some of the Year 4 pupils in the dining room at Manor Way.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Lunchtime on Friday at Manor Way

Enjoying the late summer sunshine, the children in Year 5 and Year 6 were having a great time on Friday playing with the lunchtime games.

Year 6 Elder - Doing the Daily Mile

As part of Bannockburn's focus on having healthy lifestyles, the children are often seen out on the playground at Manor Way completing the Daily Mile. On Wednesday Year 6 Elder class were spotted out on the playground with Mrs Stone. 

Achievement Assemblies at Manor Way

Congratulations to all the children from Year 3 to Year 6 who were recognised this week for their efforts and personal accomplishments in school.

Bannockburn Bistro at Manor Way

This Friday was the turn of Year 5 to be invited to the Bannockburn Bistro for their exemplary dining room manners throughout the week.

Character sketching in Year 2

Linked to our text 'The Tunnel', we have been learning how to draw the human form over the past few weeks. Here are some of our sketches of the characters, Rose and Jack.

E-Safety in Year 4

This week in our computing lessons, we used role play scenarios to discuss the importance of staying safe online. We created different situations and acted them out in order to choose the most appropriate response to staying safe whilst surfing the web.

Zip it! Block it! Flag it!