Exploring Happiness: A P4C Lesson on Humanism
Year 6 delved into a thought-provoking question as part of their RE learning about Humanism: What is happiness?
The children shared their ideas on how to achieve happiness, suggesting a range of meaningful actions and attitudes. They highlighted the importance of loving and being kind to yourself, emphasising that happiness can start from within. They also noted that doing enjoyable things, whether it's spending time with friends, practising a hobby or simply relaxing, contributes to a sense of well-being. Other responses included exercising, which boosts both physical and mental health and learning about other people, which fosters understanding and connections. The idea of showing equality and treating others with respect was also mentioned, with the children recognising that creating a kind and fair world can lead to greater happiness for everyone.
The discussion took an interesting turn when the children posed a new big question: Is it harder to find happiness as we age?
Many children reflected on how our brains change as we grow, and how responsibilities increase, making it more challenging to focus on what makes us happy. They discussed how, as we get older, we become more aware of the problems in the world, and this awareness can sometimes make happiness feel more elusive. However, other children pointed out that with age comes the opportunity to try new things, to learn from experiences, and to find happiness in different places. They recognised that although life may become more complex, the ability to explore new interests and relationships allows us to continue finding joy at any age.
A deep and enriching lesson that not only helped the children explore happiness but also encouraged them to consider how it might evolve throughout their lives.