Friday, 10 January 2025

Outdoor PE - Football - Year 6

In the second half of the autumn term, Year 6 continued to develop their skills and understanding of football.  The children focused on keeping control of the ball by using different parts of their feet (such as the inner part of the foot to lightly pass the ball to their teammates) and intercepting their opponents by spotting specific players.

By practising and developing these skills, the children were able to strengthen their teamwork and coordination during football matches. The consistent practising of core football skills such as cone dribbling and shooting accuracy enabled the children to feel confident in themselves to apply these same skills to football games - not just against other children in their class, but against other classes in the cohort too!


The practical skills naturally developed during these PE lessons, but the communication during drills and games was also evident. Year 6 became increasingly supportive and encouraging of their peers over term, regardless of whether they were on the same team or not. This element of football cannot be overlooked. We are impressed with the Year 6 children for implementing the school values of  'respect' and 'kindness' to their fellow classmates. They have displayed incredible sportsmanship throughout this term and have become great role models and team players. Well done, Year 6!