Tuesday 7 April 2020

The Zones of Regulation

At Bannockburn, we use 

  • The Zones of Regulation are four coloured zones that help us to categorise our emotions. Each zone explains how we are feeling.
  • When we understand how we feel, we can self-reflect and identify if we need to self-regulate. We want to be in the green zone as much as possible.
  • All feelings are ok, but not all behaviours are ok.
  • We all need to learn how to avoid triggers and identify which tools work for us, in order to stop behaviours from becoming unacceptable.
  • We can also support others- when we understand how others are feeling and which zone they are in; we can identify if they may need some help.

Whilst you are staying safe at home, you can use this time to get everyone you live with to practice identifying which zone they are in. 

Then can everyone try some of these tools and keep track of which work for them?