Sunday 30 January 2022

Facing challenge in Year 3

On Friday in our Personal Development (PD) lesson, we began by learning about the value of teamwork.

We did this through creating our own puzzles. Each of us had a piece and we had to find the other three people whose pieces make up the rest of our puzzle. The aim of this challenge was for us to better understand how we work in a team, the strengths each of us bring and the need for different roles.

Our next goal was to design a garden for people who face a particular challenge. We gave examples, such as the visually impared, wheelchair users, people who may have spent time in hospital and need a calm space and the elderly. We split into teams and gave ourselves different roles. We had landscapers, a team leader and an events co-ordinator who would plan the event for the garden's opening. This project will last over several week but here are some pictures of us in action from the start of the project.