Monday 25 November 2019

Egyptian artifacts in Year 3 Walnut Class

In Walnut we are learning all about the Egyptians! This week, we were very lucky to have some new artifacts delivered our classroom by Mr Smales and one in particular caught our eye!

"It felt like my head was on a rock!" Adrian

"When I was on the Egyptian pillow, it felt like I was having a spa with needles. Egyptians did it to look after their hair but I wouldn't. No way!" Timothy

"It felt like a brick on my head!!! I did not like it! It was horrible! I would much prefer my pretty comfy cushion! It was as hard as a tree trunk!" Amelie

We found out that this head piece was used by wealthy Egyptians to protect their hair. It was also used to keep bugs out of their hair. Some would be made out of stone.