Monday 18 November 2019

Rights Respecting Community Partnership Group and World Children's Day

Today, the Rights Respecting Community Partnership Group met to inform them about....
November 20th is WORLD CHILDREN’S DAY and it will be your opportunity to show us how wonderful you are. Perhaps you have a talent or skill you would like to show to a group of children, your class or maybe a group of children in another class.

You could….
·         help contribute to your Year Group’s Assembly
·         organise a talent show for your class/year group
·         play an instrument you are learning
·         recite a poem to your family members (and ask them to give you some written feedback)
·         teach a group of children something that will benefit others (such as how to learn spelling rules, how to use paint effectively, how to knit).

These do not have to be carried out on the 20th November, but as close as possible to the date would be best.

We would love to have evidence of anything you do – either at home, at a Club or in school. Bring in your photos or written responses from those who experience your WONDERFULNESS for the first time and share them with your class and/or the Rights Respecting Community Partnership Group.