Friday, 28 February 2025
The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Nursery
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Year 3 English - King of the Fishes
We were introduced to our new model text today - The King of Fishes. This is a wishing tale and involves a poor fisherman saving fish, who turns out to be the King of the Fishes. Because of his kindness, the fisherman is granted a wish but he has trouble deciding what this should be. We read the description of the King of Fishes and used that to create our own fishes using paper plates, coloured paper and card. We enjoyed this session as we were able to be really creative.
Can I say my name and age in Spanish?
The children of Year 5 have started a new topic in Spanish this term: Hispanophone people! They will be learning to ask and answer basic questions in Spanish in the third grammatical person and also, to tell where a person is from and what languages they speak. They engaged very well in a series of activities to learn the questions and answers. They did a class survey in which they asked their peers questions such as: ¿Cómo se llama?, ¿Dónde vive? and ¿Cuántos años tiene?
Can I tell the colours in Spanish?
Year three children have started a new topic in Spanish this term: the colours! They engaged very well in a series of activities to learn the names and pronunciation of each colour in Spanish. The lesson finished with a colouring by number task, in which the children had to remember the words in order to complete the activity.
Kent Cricket 🏏 in Year One

Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Outdoor fun at Nursery
Year 3 - Testing Friction
Year 3 have been exploring and measuring the force exerted on different objects using Newton metres!