This term, Year 6 have been trialling different skills within athletic sports in their Outdoor PE lessons. A skill that the children were keen to adopt this term was jumping, through the sports of long jump and triple jump.
To provide the children with an optimum strategy for the long jump, Year 6 first practised jumping for height from a stationary position. They were instructed to bend their knees before rising and to bend upon landing, to ensure they were protecting their joints from damage. After a few practice rounds, the children were confident to move on to jumping for distance, ensuring that they used their arms to propel themselves further.
The entire experience was enjoyable, as the children were given the opportunity to beat their personal best in the long jump, but also apply their mathematical skills to measure the distance that was achieved.
Once secure with the long jump, the children were ready to move onto the next lesson in the athletics sequence: triple jump. Before practising, the children learned about the different phases of triple jump (hop, step, jump). Some preferred the simplicity of long jump; the long jump only has one phase (just jump!) while others liked the complexity of the triple jump.
Once again, the metre sticks were out to measure distance and some incredible jumping was achieved by the children of Year 6. Well done to you all!