Sunday, 23 February 2025

Year 3 Art - Iron Man inspired collage

This term in our Art learning, Year 3 have been using the artist Heni Matisse and his piece ‘The Circus’ as inspiration to create a collage and wax resistant inspired by our spine book 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We learnt that Matisse was an artist who worked in the ‘fauvist’ style, using strong colours and bold shapes in his paintings. Matisse began making paper cut-outs when he wasn’t able to stand to paint. He called his collage style ‘drawing (or painting) with scissors’. 

We had a go at ‘drawing with scissors’ by making a collaged composition, followed by creating a wax resistant page which we then used to explore a range of tools to scratch in lines, pattern and texture, revealing the wax crayon beneath. We focussed on creating contrasting areas by using hatching in different ways and adding areas of pattern by exploring different marks.