Sunday, 9 February 2025

Year 6 - Outdoor PE - Hurdles

 The children in Year 6 have started to develop their skills in hurdling this term.

While having an obstacle in front of you when sprinting at full speed can initially be daunting, Year 6 applied a strong focus to strategy and technique. Prior to the hurdles lesson, the children had practised sprinting at full speed, ensuring that they were driving their hips forward and raising their arms up with each stride, all in an effort to quicken their pace.

This lesson, the children applied the same strategy when running towards the hurdle - only this time, there was another strategy needed solely for the hurdles.  The children learned that they needed to raise their leading leg (front leg) and keep it extended so that it could reach over the hurdle. While doing so, the back leg (referred to as the trail leg) remained folded and close to the body.

Since the children knew how to safely land when jumping, the priority in the drills was to regain speed once safely on the ground.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the sprinting and hurdling exercises. Using a range of hurdles with different heights also added to the challenge when racing. As a whole, year 6 were extremely cooperative and supportive of each other when running these hurdling races, particularly in the relay race segment of the lesson. It was a joy to watch and it was clear that the children really enjoyed themselves. Please see below for more photos of our athletes tackling the hurdles!