Wednesday 8 November 2023

A Visit From The Police - Year 6

Today, Year 6 had some very exciting visitors!

The police, who work at Plumstead Station, visited Year 6 to talk about how to keep safe when walking to and from school and around the local area. 

They spoke to children about some of the risks of walking home (anti-social behaviour, short cuts that involve alleyways) and gave them strategies to use if they ever found themselves in an uncomfortable situation. 

They gave children 4 steps to take if they were ever in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation:

1. Get Away - run away or move away from the situation and find somewhere safe (this could be home, the police station or the school). 

2. Shout for help to get the attention of other people in the area. 

3. Call the police if the situation is an emergency or they feel like they are danger. 

4. Use self-defence if the situation is dangerous and the other strategies have not worked. The police discussed what self-defence is and what it isn't so children are aware of how to use this appropriately. 

Finally, the police also heavily discouraged children from using alleyways as short cuts to and from school and reminded them not to walk around the streets holding their phones in their hands - please consider this with your child.