Monday 30 March 2020

Hello Year 5!

Hello Aspen!

Believe it or not I have been really missing climbing our many stairs at school multiple times a day; what a great form of exercise it is! If there are 8 steps on each flight, and 4 flights to get to Rowan/Maple or 8 flights to get to Aspen/Hawthorn, can you work out how many steps you take each day at school. Think about trips to assembly, music, playtime, lunchtime etc.

I've been making sure I have been doing some exercise each day in my home - make sure you do as well and get the rest of your household involved as well if you can.

A huge congratulations to all of you who have been accessing your online learning.
Many of you have been reading the books your teachers have selected for you on Reading Eggs/Eggspress - keep it up! If you are having any problems with Reading Eggs/Eggspress, Mathletics or Times Tables Rockstars, please email the school office and we will try to resolve the problem as soon as we can.

I will be updating the league table for Mathletics and Reading Eggs/Eggspress on Friday so make sure you log on and have a go!

Stay safe and well,

Mrs Stone and the Year 5 Team