Wednesday 11 March 2020

Year 2 Sycamore Tree have a fun filled World Book Day

This week we have been celebrating books and today was the official World Book Day!
In Sycamore Class, we absolutely love books so today was the perfect day to share our favourite books.

We started the day by getting cosy under blankets and listening to a story we had voted for. We loved laying down, feeling calm and enjoying a book with our friends. Afterwards, we shared the books the children brought to school and read to each other! It was so nice to see all of the different types of books you are reading at home!

Just before lunch, the children chose their favourite book from the book corner or from the selection brought to school and they created their own front covers in a colouring competition. They did a great job and paid attention to the details they could see.

At end of the day, the children showed the school values by working collaboratively in teams to compete in a Book Quiz Competition. They answered 20 questions about a range of picture books and enjoyed recalling the stories and characters in their teams.

What is your favourite book?